Black & White Rule by Maya Zack

Black & White Rule video deals with the human attempt to impose order and form onto reality
through training and discipline procedures. On an over-sized chess-board two poodle dogs submit to the orders of their trainer while through the use of a Camera-Obscura their actions are being monitored and registered by a clerk in her office located along side the chess-board.
At a certain moment the orderly routine is disrupted... Black & White Rule is a meticulously designed visual experience and a homage to the art of drawing.

Details Runtime: 17 min. | Production year: 2011 | Country: Israel | Laguage: no words
Original Format: 4K | Screening Formats: Hd cam, Digi Beta, Beta SP DVD, Mini DV.

Past Gallery Exhibitions


Eldar Farber: Tel Aviv–Berlin 2013


Mother Economy by Maya Zack